Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Filipino Resiliency

Philippines is one of the 'disaster prone countries' in the world. It is located at the Pacific Ring of Fire, where active volcanoes and found and strong earthquakes occur, and at the east side of the Pacific Ocean, where strong typhoons form. But no matter how severe a disaster is,  Filipinos are resilient with these catastrophes. Resilience is the ability of the Filipinos to become stronger and more successful after an unfortunate events.

When a strong disaster comes to the Philippines, resiliency flows over the Filipinos. Even how devastating a disaster is, Filipinos are patient, very patient. Slowly but surely, they fix things that are destroyed by the disaster. They develop the country persistently. One example is the Typhoon Yolanda that struck the country in the year 2013. Many lives lost and many properties were destroyed. Despite all of these situations, the Filipinos remained resilient and they made things back to normal and progressive with patience.

So resilience is the key to success. Slowly but surely developing and fixing everything. Resiliency, made the Filipinos successful.

1 comment:

  1. Yes indeed , Philippines might bend by these daunted ordeals but they can never be break through their unwavering faith in God. Good Work :>


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