Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Open Letter to President Duterte

24 July 2018

His Excellency
Rodrigo Roa Duterte
President-Republic of the Philippines
Malacanang Palace, Manila

Dear Mr. President,
   Good day sir! I'm a student from Ilocos Sur National High School. I hope that you will read this letter  that I sent to you even though you have a lot of appointments and meetings to attend. For the first two years of your term, you did a really great job. You lead this country in a nice way.
    I just want to tell you that your campaign against drugs isn't going well since there are reports on Extra Judicial Killings. Instead of raiding houses to capture these drug addicts, just do the buy bust operation, so there will be no person harmed. Just as you said on your State Of The Nation Address yesterday, you care for human lives. Another  one, we're having an issue about your previous speeches that contain swear words that we shouldn't heard. I think you should keep your speeches PG. And one thing, about the issue in West Philippine Sea. I think you should have a meeting with the Chinese president since you already befriended him. Well, this are the few things that I mentioned about your term. I really appreciate your leadership and you should keep up the good work and I want to see you in person.
     Daghang salamat  and a good day to you sir!

Respectfully Yours,
Avrylle William Pangilinan

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Independence Day, the unforgettable event

     Independence Day is one of the events that Filipinos celebrate every year. It is celebrated every 12th of June. Independence Day was celebrated by the Filipinos because they got their freedom from the hands of the Spaniards who ruled the Philippines for 333 years.
     Independence Day is celebrated, not just to celebrate freedom but also to give importance to our heroes and ancestors who suffered, sacrificed and died, just to get the freedom of our country.
      At present, it seems that the Philippine Independence Day means a lot to the Filipinos. They give importance to their ancestors who risked their just to save the land from the Spanish colony.

Reflection 4th Quarter

      This Quarter, the last of the Quarters, we learned all about Photoshop once again. Well technically, we learned Photoshop back in the ...